Golf Season Preview

The 2019 Pinole Valley High School golf team season is here!

The 2019 Pinole Valley High School golf team season is here!

Catherine Johnson and Kiana Ware

This Golf season will definitely be a season to watch! With more players than we have had at Pinole Valley so far, including four freshmen, this season should be interesting. Some players to keep an eye out for are Tyler Monono,  Ralph Mauleon, and Marvin, who is a senior!

Interview with Coach O’Shea:

How long does it take to play a game?

“4 ½ hours to play 12 holes and 2 hours to play 9.”

Do kids have to pay to play golf?

It is somewhat expensive to play, but there are things like donations and fundraisers, that help and encourage kids to play.

How long has Mr. O’Shea been coaching golf?

He has been coaching for nine seasons so far.

Why do you enjoy to play and coach golf?

Coach O’Shea said, ”It is the only sport I can continue to play and compete at this age.” He says he cannot really play any other sports and compete like he used to. Even though he says he can be a really good shooter in basketball, he says he could not move around and run down the court or play defense like he used to, which is why he likes to play golf.

Is it easy?

The very simple and short response is no. It takes a lot of skill and practice. It is a lot more than just hitting a ball in a hole. There are sometimes objects and obstacles in the way, or if not then long distances that you have to hit the ball. If you still think golf is easy, then go play one match, and then come back with the results on how you did!

When are practices?

Practices are usually four days a week, Monday through Thursday, at the Richmond Country Club. Matches are Tuesdays or Thursdays.   

Interview with star freshman Tyler Monono:

What grade? Freshman

How long have you been playing? 6 years

How did you get into golf? His grandfather got him into golf.

How old are you? 14 Years.

Do you like Mr. O’Shea as a coach? He says it is fun having him as a coach because he knows him very well.

Do you want to play golf professionally He says yes, and he wants scholarships for college.

How many matches have you played with Pinole Valley? One so far.