Spartan Athlete of the Week: Mikayla Rudis

Spartan Athlete of the Week: Mikayla Rudis

Ryan Armstrong and Deven Irwin

Mikayla Rudis has been awarded the very first Athlete of the Week, the result of her tough athleticism and great leadership on the volleyball team. Volleyball is undefeated right now with a record of 5-0. If you’re not a huge fan of volleyball this is a great time to go watch the games as the girls try to keep their perfect record. Here is an interview conducted with Mikayla Rudis where she talks about how she got into volleyball, some of her best moments playing volleyball, and where she sees the future of her team.

R: Hey Mikayla, congratulations on being Pinole Valley High School’s very first Athlete of the week.

M: Thank you very much!

R: When and why did you start playing volleyball?

M: I don’t really know, I’ve played volleyball since I was a little, it was just something I really enjoy playing in my free time.

R: So you didn’t just start playing in high school?

M: No, I started playing in like the second or third grade.


R: Did they have a league to play in?


M: The school that I went to had their volleyball team and then when I came here I played for the school but I also play for a club team when the season is over.


R: As a junior this will be your third year of volleyball as a Spartan. How has your experience been on the team so far?


M: It has always been great! We always have had a really strong team, all our coaching has been great.


R: Do you have any goals you’re hoping to accomplish by the end of this year?


M: Yeah i actually do! I am hoping to make it to first team all league, and I am also hoping I am able to achieve MVP of the league.

R: What has been your favorite memory as a Spartan on the team.


M: I just really like my team because whenever anyone makes a point or does a play, everyone gets so excited for them. The support makes every moment memorable. Last year I got a pancake, it’s a volleyball term for when your hand is flat out almost on the floor and the ball lands on it and bounces back up back into play. The whole team and environment made it feel so exciting and memorable.


R: How is your team doing so far this year?


M: I think we are doing amazing. We lost a lot of valuable seniors last year which left us at sort of an awkward position but the team we have now is very strong and very compatible.


R: What are some of your goals this year as a team?


M: One of our biggest goals is placing 1st in the league. We should have gotten first in our league last year, but there was a mistake in the paper work and they lowered us down to second in our league.


R: As a junior, earning Pinole Valley High Schools very first first Spartan Athlete of the Week must be very exciting! How are you feeling about it?


M: I am so ecstatic! It feels so good to know that all of my hard work is being recognized.


R: Once again congratulations! Do you have any future games or events you would like to promote?


M: Come to all of our home games! They should all be very exciting.