Being A Senior

Stephanie Jimenez, Staff Writer

From a young age, we have been eager finally becoming a senior in high school. Our minds think of it as a stepping stone to adulthood and prosperity. The illusion of having an “easy year” or being “basically done” eats us students alive before the battle between us and high school is even over.

Yes, being a senior has its advantages, but also its burdens. Once you’re a senior you feel as if you’re the perfect age. Most seniors have their drivers license, a job, freedom, and a lot of responsibility. Although we do not yet have on the responsibility of paying a mortgage or building our credit, we have to take enormous steps that can determine our future. The massive task of applying to colleges and scholarships, as well as deciding where to go can be a prime impact on what’s yet to come. Most seniors feel like the thought of college is surreal until it is time to apply. The process of applying to college can be rigorous, but it can be done! Being a senior seems like something great because lower classmen look at us as royalty in the kingdom, which is our school, but it can also be perceived like our thoughts are trapped in a state of uncertainty. Why uncertainty? Because when it comes to deciding what to do after college, it feels like we’re answering a question on a test with many options and there is no right or wrong answer. The answer? That’s up to us to decide but we must have enough support to back it up. Enough support to allow our future to thrive.

My fellow seniors, you can make your dreams a reality with the privilege education gives us. Do not settle for your safety net just because you think you can’t achieve something better. With hard work, dedication, and curiosity anything can become a reality.


Tips For Seniors:


  • Do not wait until the last minute to apply for college, get a head start now!
  • Look into scholarships! They are an opportunity you can take advantage of!
  • Do not allow “Senioritis” get to you! You have not made it until it’s officially over. Not close to over. You do not want to risk anything.
  • Pick a college that with offer you the resources you need.
  • Take the SAT more than once!
  • Take at least 2 subject tests!
  • Get at least 3 letters of recommendation!
  • Be outgoing and curious! Do not be afraid to reach out for help!
  • End this year strong no matter what!
  • Have confidence! You might be surprised with the outcome.