Humans of Pinole Valley: Julia Cava


Julia Cava is a junior at Pinole Valley High School.

Julia Cava, Guest Contributor

“Through this global pandemic, we have all been forced to drastically change our day-to-day lives. Through quarantine, I definitely did not stick to any schedule. I messed up my sleeping schedule and stay up all night while I sleep most of the day. Instead of waking up at 7 am every day and going to school and getting to see my friends, I usually talk to some of my friends on Facetime or just text. Not much has changed for me except being able to go to school. I still do most of my school work whether we are in school or not. But I do not leave my house at all, sadly. This quarantine has definitely made me sad and to want to just stay in bed watching Netflix all day, but that is a good way to get depressed so I chose not to do that. I usually clean or do school work in order to distract myself from not having the freedom of leaving my house. But all you can do during this devastating time is to try to stay positive and try to give yourself as much normalcy as possible. The scary part of this all is whether the normal we all want back will ever happen or will we have a new normal in the future.”