How are seniors feeling with only four months left?
February 24, 2020
As the end of the year gets closer, everyone seems to be tired but also so excited that it’s getting closer to summer. But how are the class of 2020 seniors feeling with less than four months left?
I talked to a few people in my class and asked how they’re feeling about graduating and finally being done with high school. What’s going to happen in their next chapter in life?
Mehki: “I feel relaxed. Knowing that we have four months left is making me feel happy and sad at the same time, ’cause I get to leave but I’m starting a new chapter in life. I also feel great. High school was a rocky experience with a lot of lessons, I met lots of family and friends I’ll take with me in life. This is a place I’m most likely always gonna remember. I’m moving on to college. I haven’t fully decided yet, but I’ve got options in and out of state. I also have the ability to go for free. I’m just still deciding, I might take a gap year though, I’m just not sure yet.”
Maliyah: “ I feel scared for adulthood. I am not ready, I still feel like a child. I’m excited for a new chapter but I’m also scared of having to take full care of myself. I’m going to college no matter what so I can get a better education.”
Kassandra: “At the beginning of the year, I was more nervous to graduate and didn’t want to go grow up. Now though, I’m ready to graduate and go on to learn about my dream career. I’m very happy to leave high school because I’ve made memories in both school campuses and I‘m ready to make memories somewhere else with new people. Hopefully, I save my coin and don’t pay for college. After graduating, I want to get a job, give back to my community, and travel.”
Many of the seniors are overwhelmed with excitement but also scared at the same time. A lot of things will be changing after graduation and the unknown is right in front of us.