Football Senior Night

Gina Gallia, Staff Football Writer

The Spartans faced the Cougars of Albany high school on Friday night after a ceremony for Pinole Valley’s amazing senior players. Pinole Valley has always had a special tradition for the last home game of each season. The tradition is in place to honor and appreciate the seniors who have devoted their years to the sport. It took place at 6 pm before the 7 pm game.

Cheerleaders, family, players, and fans filled the bleachers and formed a line for the seniors to walk through while Coach Bodwin read off speeches formed by the players themselves. Each senior player was announced and walked through the line to the words of their own speeches with friends and family who proudly walked with them. Posters, balloons and much more were given to the hardworking athletes, and they deserved it.

The night wasn’t only devoted to the football players, but to our amazing senior cheerleaders too! They joined the football players on the field and were honored in the same way.

We are so proud of our senior athletes and they will be greatly missed here at Pinole!

The night continued as the football players took over the field and the scoreboard. The game started off slow, but once they got back into their groove, they were unstoppable! Things were going great until senior QB Demari Davis was injured during the game and is rumored to be out for a few weeks. The Spartans held the game down for their injured teammate leaving a final score of 32-14. Get well soon Demari!

Senior night marked the end of regular season home games, but be sure to make it to the playoff games or this weeks away game at Richmond High School! I’m positive that you won’t want to miss out on it!