Interview with Ms. Hosseini

Kevin Ruano Hernandez, Staff Writer

We have Ms. Ari, a young tutorial teacher, helping each and every one of us become great scholars for the future. Working day and night to make sure we’re okay and feeling good enough to learn for the next day. Also, I’m her “ favorite student” out of bunch of kids in her tutorial classes.


Kev: What is your full name??

Ari: Ari Hosseini

Kev: How old are you??

Ari: 24

Kev: You sure? You’re really mature.. you look 26.

Ari: *laughs*

Kev: Anyways, What grades do you teach?

Ari: Mostly freshmen, I have some sophomores and one senior

Kev: I must be your favorite freshman, huh??

Ari: I mean.. You’re not the worst *laughs*

Kev: What’s your alma mater?

Ari: I went to UC Berkeley for 4 1/2 years and now I go to Saint Mary’s College , I’ve been going there for a year and a half

Kev: I wanna go to UC Berkeley

Ari: Keep working hard and I’m sure you can get there

Kev: An inspiration y’all

Kev: Anyways, let’s learn something about you from outside the classroom. What’s your favorite food?

Ari: Hmm, I can’t say

Kev: You got to give me something….

Ari: OK, then it would have to be a good burrito

Kev: And your favorite drink?

Ari: A cup of joe

Kev: What’s your Favorite subjects?

Ari: I like English but I’m better at Math

Kev: Where do you live at the moment?

Ari: I live in North Berkeley

Kev: So many coffee shops to go before or after school!

Ari: Sure that’s our motto out here!!

Kev: Ayee tight, What’s your favorite genre of music?

Ari: I’m not weird or anything just note that it’s Punk, Rock, and Emo Music

Kev: That’s tight, do you like any Indie since you live in North Berkeley?

Ari: Not really

Kev: Not even Mac DeMarco??

Ari: He’s fine, his music is alright

Kev: That’s good, I have a little challenge for you

Ari: Go on..

Kev: Make a 3 song playlist from your head right now.

Ari: Okay..Monuments- Park Jefferson

Vacation Town- The Front Bottoms

Let’s get Invisible- Free Throw

Angels- Chance the Rapper n Saba

Kev: Nice.. Wait I said 3!

Ari:Ii have so many songs in my head right now

Kev: Fine then,, what’s your down time activity?

Ari: I love basketball and watching it, Throwing darts and Playing Pool

Kev: You go hard Ms. Ari i swear

Ari: thanks haha

Kev: Do you love your students and your job?

Ari: Of course. It’s hard but I love my job and my students.

Kev: Am I your favorite Student?

Ari: Thank you for the interview


Kev: Should just put on the interview, I’m her favorite..